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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pavan Panjaa Movie New Working Pics

Pavan Panjaa Movie New Working Pics

Pavan panjaa movie New Working Pics

Pavan panjaa movie New Working Pics

Pavan panjaa movie New Working Pics

Pavan panjaa movie New Working Pics

Pavan panjaa movie New Working Pics

Pavan panjaa movie New Working Pics

Pavan panjaa movie New Working Pics

Panjaa updates:

- Movie release confirmed for Dec 9th - No question about that.

- Theatrical Trailer to be shown from Dec 2nd - possibility for Dec1st.

- Making videos coming up soon..all TV channels/Youtube/Cable

-Blaaze rerecording of Power Star song will be coming up very soon..with visuals

-Hoardings finalized. Huge Publicity campaign that will kickoff from Dec1.

-TV/Radio/Print publicity will be reach its peak ...contests/TV appearances/interviews/articles

-Tying up with cable operators in towns/villages to reach every TV in every remote corner- all our content to delivered to them.


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